“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

While preaching on the temptation of Jesus last Sunday, the Holy Spirit brought to my mind my desire to always have control over the ministry God has called me into, over the finances of my family, my work, my church, and over personal relationships. Over the years I have always struggled with a desire to work with God, to the point that I forget that He is our Sabbath, and in Him I rest. Looking at Jesus’ temptation, alone, hungry and with a long road ahead of Him to the cross. He simply put His head down, and followed the commands of His Lord and God.

This week, I have been relearning what it means to rest in God while working, while being busy and while doing ministry, starting businesses, praying for and with people in church, and teaching. This is a difficult thing, but one thing I have realized is that planning can be a crutch I use to distract from simple obedience to God. Rather than putting my head down, focusing and obeying, I try to “solve” all my problems. God is the solver, and He is long-suffering and patient. I must trust that His timing is best, and that the light I can’t see down the path of complete submission and obedience to my dear Lord is there and waiting.

What has God called you to that you are putting off? What “control” do you hold onto in an attempt to serve or sacrifice to God when He just asks for your simple yes, Lord?